Gail Carson Levine Poetry Logo

Poems, Elizabeth Bishop
The New Testament, Jericho Brown
Sailing Alone Around the Room, Billy Collins
Late Wife, Claudia Emerson
Modern Life, Matthea Harvey
Otherwise, Jane Kenyon
Flying At Night, Ted Kooser
The Last Usable Hour, Deborah Landau
The Big Smoke, Adrian Matejka
Alive Together, Lisel Mueller
Strike Sparks, Sharon Olds
The Second Blush, Molly Peacock
Citizen, Claudia Rankine
Greek Lyric Poetry, translated by Sherod Santos
In the Salt Marsh, Nancy Willard
Museum of Accidents, Rachel Zucker

The Poet's Companion, Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux
The Practice of Poetry, Robin Behn and Chase Twichell
The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Ted Kooser
Telling Time: Angels, Ancestors, And Stories, Nancy Willard

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